Wednesday, October 22, 2008

If I were a rich girl ...

You know what would be the absolute best? (besides not working of course!)
The ability to just buy things for people simply because you know it would be absolutely PERFECT. The perfect gift. You see it, you think voila! and say "wrap that up please".
Not because I want or expect anything in return, not because I've gone shopping with any particular intent, but just because I came across the perfect gift. Some might go a long time without getting anything, some may get them quite often, but that's not the point.
You just know it when you see it.

Monday, October 20, 2008


OK, I know I already posted this on my Facebook page, but it cracked me up, so I gotta do it again:

"Yes, Bigfoot really IS blurry, it's NOT the photographer's fault!"

(Hey, where are the smilies on this thing?)

Friday, October 17, 2008


I don't think it's all that unusual to be unhappy with being taken for granted. No one likes that. When you put yourself out there I don't think it's a bad thing to look for some reciprocation or appreciation. Is it? Am I being selfish here?
I know that it hurts like hell. It's certainly making me more aware of the relationships I have with others and how I handle those relationships.
I just went back and reread my Thanksgiving blog, which I really did mean. There are two people who really do think I "rock their world" -- I must be more attentive, more appreciative. They mean too much to me to let them down. I will NOT let them feel this way. As I said... a renewed awareness.

Haaaaa, first time I've cried 'with glasses' (damn glasses) - and it blows!

Ahhh well, I will be in Vegas in less than a week. Getting away from things will do me good.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

I like Thanksgiving. I really like Thanksgiving. It's the perfect holiday. It is non-secular, non-religious, non-anything. It really should be world-wide. There's no fighting over nativity scenes and "put Christ back in Christmas". The Mayflower aspect of it is immaterial now, really.
It's not overly commercial but it still has its traditions. Best of all, it probably has the easiest and most universal message. No matter who or where you are, there is much to be thankful for - it's all relative. It's definitely a "stop and smell the roses" (or in my locale, stop and smell the fallen leaves) kind of holiday. It makes you think.

I have family, friends and acquaintances - old and new. I might not like my job but they pay me well enough. My health is good. I have a nice car and nice house. Two delightfully insane cats. The air is clean, the water is clean and I live in a part of the world that people pay to come and visit. My family taught me a real appreciation of nature and animals, of music, of good food, of knowledge.

I could go on and on, lol, but some days you know what I'm most thankful for? A decent working computer and high-speed internet.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Since when?

Who changed the rules of grammar? Was I 'away' on an out-of-body experience? Did I miss school that day? I refer to the day it was decided the use of the apostrophe would be the opposite of everything I'd been taught - when did that happen?

Why does everyone use an apostrophe to pluralize a word now?

IT'S used to be a contraction for IT IS. Now, seemingly it is all-purpose and used in the possessive as well. (ex. the sun in all it's glory)

Since when? Can someone kindly fill me in?
